CFO’s Gender Mainstreaming Efforts

Moving beyond labor movement has been the current trend for the Philippine migration as Filipinos migrate for reasons other than employment. These could range from family unification to marriage to foreign nationals, from business to educational opportunities and professional advancement.

From 2005-2015, CFO data revealed that of the 888,152 registered emigrants, 529,390 or 60% were female. One aspect of migration that is usually not discussed is the marriage migration. CFO recorded that from the same 10-year period, there were 235,695 spouses or partners of foreign nationals. From these numbers, 215,875 were women, which is equivalent to 92%.

The CFO continuously strives to address the particular vulnerabilities and situations of the predominantly female migrating spouses or partners of foreign nationals, in every stage of the migration cycle, such as pre-departure preparedness and marriage migrants’ integration to the host country. Thus, CFO had been conducting various and country specific pre-departure orientation services for them, such as (a) Guidance and Counseling Program (GCP) for marriage migrants; (b) Peer Counseling Program for youth migrants; (c) Country Familiarization Seminar (CFS) for Au Pair Participants; (d) Pre-departure Orientation Seminar for US-bound Exchanger Visitor Program participants; (e) Community Education Program; (f) Fight Against Human Trafficking; and (f) Financial Literacy Program.

These programs and services reflect the government’s commitment to mitigate the social costs of gender disparity brought by migration, and protect and promote the rights, the welfare and interests of overseas Filipinos in every possible way.

Establishment of the Online GAD Corner

The CFO established its GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) which consists of representatives from all divisions of CFO to ensure that GAD issues and concerns, gender equality and women’s empowerment be mainstreamed within the Commission.

It also set-up this online GAD Corner to feature CFO’s collection of GAD knowledge materials and its related programs, projects and activities. It serves as a portal for accessing and sharing information on mainstreaming gender and development.

Mindful of its effects, this online GAD Corner will feature a vast collection of GAD knowledge materials and the related programs, activities and projects of CFO. It will serve as a portal for accessing and sharing information on mainstreaming gender and development. The public is expected to be apprised of the unremitting efforts of the international community, non-government organizations, and the Philippine government in advancing gender equality, thereby enhancing the readiness of CFO to expose and introduce the GAD efforts and concepts to the public.

The consolidation of the reference materials from various sources in CFO’s Online GAD Corner aims to reinforce consciousness and sensitivity on gender issues towards developing gender-related advocacies and programs that would elevate the integration of gender concepts across all sectors.